or many women today it’s often the case that they lead very busy lives, and the only time they are really able to speak to a medical professional about any aspect of their health is when they visit their doctor or for example when they have their smear test. It is however unlikely that a woman will be able to talk over all of her medical concerns with her doctor within the time allocated for a normal appointment, and it may have been some time since her last smear test. It may also be the case that she has concerns or questions relating to that last smear test and these have left a nagging worry in the back of her mind.
As you read this you may have some health concerns of your own that you would like to opportunity to talk to a medical professional about, preferably to a specialist in women’s health. Perhaps for example you may have been experiencing very heavy periods, or you may have reason to believe that you are at risk of ovarian cancer or osteoporosis. It could also be the case that your quality of life is being affected in a very negative way by PMT and you would like to find a way to at least effectively deal with the symptoms.
For some women it’s a case of having health concerns such as pelvic pain, or they are concerned about other problems that they simply don’t want or feel able to talk about with a friend, their loved ones, or their GP e.g. a problem with your sexual health.
One service that seems to work particularly well for many different women is to have a health check with an experienced women’s health specialist that allows them to address all of their health concerns in one go. For example, I offer the Wellwoman Health Check. This is a private and thorough health check where, as well as well as covering all the important aspects of your general health, you can receive a comprehensive and reliable assessment of other areas of your health where you feel you may have cause for concern. This includes:
Assessing your risk of and answering any questions that you may have about ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, or sexual health concerns.
Offering a cervical smear and ovarian cancer screening, and answering your concerns and questions about smear results.
Addressing your concerns and answering your questions about heavy and painful periods, PMT, causes of pelvic pain, or pain during intercourse.
Covering any concerns and questions that you may have about HRT to enable you to make an informed choice.
If you are in the London area and you have would like more information about the Wellwoman Health Check, or you would like to make an appointment for one at a hospital near you please call 0208 371 150