I am a specialist vaginal surgeon, and offers safe prompt and elective day care surgery to patients not only on London, but also in Manchester and Birmingham. I also offer the Manchester repair procedure, an alternative to vaginal hysterectomy, (for women who want to protect their uterus). At your initial consultation, you will have an opportunity to discuss the types of medical and surgical treatments available for you. I work closely with pelvic floor physiotherapists and colo-rectal surgeons to provide a multidisciplinary approach.
These are vaginal procedures, principally developed to treat utero-vaginal prolapse, which develops following childbirth. An Anterior repair corrects a cystocele (bladder prolapse), a posterior repair (a rectocele), and either a Manchester repair or vaginal hysterectomy will correct a uterine prolapse.
Up to 50% – 60 % of women will develop a vaginal prolapse following childbirth. This type of vaginal surgery will successfully treat vaginal and uterine prolapse, and symptoms of weakness and feeling exposed.
Surgery will therefore improve vaginal function, can reverse constipation, improve urinary symptoms of urge and frequency. A posterior repair (or vaginal tightening) can correct the symptoms of feeling exposed, and may improve sensation.
A Vaginal hysterectomy is performed to treat a significant uterine prolapse, where the cervix is in the lower part of the vagina. The Manchester repair is an alternative to this, and is not as radical, and only the cervix is removed, and this procedure can be performed as day case.
Vaginal surgery is safe, and is normally performed as day case.
Manchester repair procedures are now an alternative to vaginal hysterectomy, and will allow women to have surgery to resolve more complex utero-vaginal surgery.
Mr. Morris advises patients to consider a 24-48 hour stay in hospital after this procedure.
Mr. Morris advises all of his patients to see him for follow up at 2 and 4 weeks, and to continue with pelvic floor exercises.