I have been successfully treating women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding with the NovaSure ablation system since 2006. In fact, NovaSure has available in the USA since 2001, and was launched in 2005 in the United Kingdom.
NovaSure is a second-generation endometrial ablation treatment, and had outstanding clinical results in trials. This rapid and outpatient based NovaSure Ablation Treatment is used in outpatients and in day surgery to reduce and treat heavy menstrual bleeding.
The studies have shown that there is:
This is a vital finding and means that NovaSure has become both a therapeutic treatment for heavy periods but also helps other problems which women experience including painful periods and pre-menstrual syndrome. This simple treatment can radically transform the quality of a woman’s life.
NovaSure endometrial ablation has been developed to help premenopausal women who suffer with heavy periods, who have completed their family. We know that any pregnancy following this procedure can be dangerous. NovaSure endometrial ablation should not be offered to women who may have or be at risk of uterine cancer, and also women who have an ongoing genital, urinary or pelvic infection. Please be aware that the NovaSure procedure is not to provide you with a permanent form of contraception. Complications are rare, and include potential heat injuries, perforation, and infection.
Women may experience some temporary side effects: cramping, nausea, vomiting, discharge and spotting.
Women will experience a 97% reduction in heavy periods. The studies have shown a 75% do not have any periods at all after 5 years following treatment. The procedure is day case, and no preoperative treatment is necessary. The NovaSure ablation will also treat small submucosal fibroids. NovaSure ablation has helped reduce the hysterectomy rate, and millions of women have benefitted from this novel treatment for heavy periods.
you can, and your specialist will assess your uterus with ultrasound.
No this is a contraindication.
If this is less than 3cm, this is a possibility, but your surgeon may choose to reduce the size of the fibroid with a MyoSure procedure.
This is currently a contraindication, in particular of the uterine cavity has been opened.