Our unrivalled and revolutionary Vaginal Tightening Manchester service which has been developed by acclaimed specialist gynaecologist Nick Morris. This unique procedure helps reinforce the perennial body as well as carrying out a high quality vaginal tightening service in Manchester. We have helped hundreds of local women rediscover their sexual being...
Our surgery, ran by renowned gynacologist Nick Morris and his team, have an excellent reputation for vaginal tightening and rejuvenation. Our team’s expertise and precision in any sort of vaginoplasty related procedures mean it more likely to achieve higher quality results.
Our surgery is ran by renowned Manchester gynaecologist Dr. Nick Morris and his team. Dr. Morris is known for his expertise in vaginal rejuvenation and vaginal tightening in Manchester. With Nick and co's expertise in any sort of vaginoplasty related procedures, you can be assured of the best vaginal tightening in Manchester, we guarantee real results and an aftercare of the highest qualities.
We are able to do this by offering the latest advancements in technologies and machinery, alongside Nick's application of his research over his long career specialising in vaginal tightening. Nick likes to stay at the forefront of this curve and live up to his duty as Manchester's best vaginal tightening and vaginal rejuvenation specialist.
As well as this, the Rapid Access Gynaecology Team also focus on a tailored personalised car. We appreciate the sensitivity of all scenarios regarding female patients, and this is why we focus on said personalised care service for all our women. Starting with consultation and ending in your vaginal tightening procedure, Nick and his team guarantee thorough understanding of your personal needs.
With this, we also offer exceptional post surgery follow up and care. After your vaginal tightening Manchester treatment, you can be assured we don't just forget about your needs. 50% of patients who underwent successful vaginal tightening in Manchester, but didn't achieve appropriate aftercare by their consultant, had complications post surgery. We aim to lower this statistic. We want to make sure everything is okay after your time with us, and we wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't offer this to our Manchester customers.
Simply put, vaginal tightening is the practice of enhancing the tone, strength and elasticity of the vaginal muscles, it can be achieved by surgical, non surgical and general lifestyle approaches.
In simple terms, vaginal tightening is a procedure that enhances the tone strength and elasticity of the vaginal muscles. It can be done by either surgical or non surgical methods.
Non Surgical practicess may include ‘Kegel Exercises’, vaginal cones, electrical simulation, or radiofrequency therapy which promotes collagen production and tissue tightening. Such practices can be less expensive yet less effective than surgical one's, but are quite obviously, less invasive.
Surgical methods, which are way more effective vaginal tightening procedures, involve reconstructive processes of the vaginal tissues and are generally performed by a gynaecologist. These may be done for medical or cosmetic reasons.
At Rapid Access gynaecology, we offer a revolutionary, vaginal tightening Manchester service, different to the traditional vaginoplasty methods. Developed by famed vaginal tightening specialist Nick Morris, our procedures help rebuild and reinforce the perineal body. More simply, we offer more than your standard vaginoplasty, but also pelvic floor reconstruction, and the entrance to the vagina, which will enhance cosmetically and medically, yet also enhances bowel evacuation, whilst reducing your vaginal laxity.
Other Lifestyle changes that can help with natural vaginal tightening can involve maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding heavy lifting, and performing regular pelvic floor exercises.
So many of our patients inform us how perineal weakness negatively effects their sex life, whilst other patients can feel like they are letting their partner down. With our specialist developed procedure offering not only vaginal tightening in Manchester but pelvic floor reconstruction too, we offer a solution to not only offer vaginal tightening, but the rebuilding of the perineal body, which provides a massive confidence boost in terms of your sex life.
Perineal body repair reconstitutes the muscle group collectively, which can enhance both yours and your partners sexual enjoyment. Furthermore our Vaginal tightening surgery in Manchester can be combined with other types of procedure such as labial surgery. We offer a psychosexual therapy service also, which has helped so many couples re-find and define their collaborative intimacy.
With our advanced, developed vaginal tightening and pelvic floor reconstruction service in Manchester, you can expect significant improvements in both vaginal aesthetics and function. We can offer vaginal tightening and perennial body repair in Manchester, combine this with other practices of vaginal rejuvenation, and the results can be life changing.
• “I wish I had had this surgery years before, it’s changed my life completely. Not only can I enjoy intimacy with my partner but I also no longer have a fear of constipation and incontinence.”
• “I saw Mr Morris and underwent vaginal tightening surgery in Manchester. Surprisingly, vaginal surgery is not painful, I was a day patient, and after surgery, I remained in hospital for a few hours, and went home in the evening. I needed only a small amount of painkillers, and my progress has been nothing short of miraculous".
Our vaginal tightening service in Manchester is of great benefit for women who have had symptoms of prolapse and looseness following childbirth. I highly recommend that any woman who suffers from symptoms of constipation or prolapse should a Consultant who specialises in vaginal surgery.
Vaginal tightening is a specific technique involved in vaginal rejuvenation. Vaginal rejuvenation involves other reconstruction methods, not just vaginal tightening, and is aimed at restoring other aspects of the vaginal and vulvar area – both aesthetic and functional
Methods of Vaginal rejuvenation can include
For vaginal tightening, its purpose is mostly associated with addressing post-partum changes or natural ageing effects on vaginal elasticity, resulting in improved sexual satisfaction. For vaginal rejuvenation, it is more of a broad enhancement of vaginal health, function, aesthetic appearance, vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence, etc.
If you would like a ‘tighter’ vagina, to help improve both your and your partner’s sexual enjoyment, confidence and intimacy, then we highly recommend our specialist vaginal tightening Manchester service, which includes pelvic floor reconstruction. If you are wishing for more than vaginal tightening, so aesthetic or medical improvements such as vaginal dryness, then our vaginal rejuvenation service may be the best option for you. We would recommend to get in touch with our team, to discuss with one of our specialists to which procedure may suit your individual needs, as they would be able to best advise you on what service you may require.
Generally speaking, it’s your individual circumstances that mostly influence your recovery time, after undergoing our vaginal tightening service in Manchester. Variables that influence your recover can be anything from your general health, to the extent of the surgery, and your general commitment to post op care instructions. Nevertheless, awe have put together a rough timeline for recovery from our vaginal tightening in Manchester, and it can be viewed below:
Most patients can go home the day of or after surgery. Expecting some pain and discomfort, natural swelling etc. This can be well managed with medication by prescription. Bed rest is essential for the first few days and it goes without saying, avoid strenuous activities such as heavy lifting!
Keep on avoiding those strenuous activities such as vigorous exercise, etc. Follow your surgeons experienced advice on cleanliness to prevent dreaded infections, and make sure to attend any follow up appointments so you can monitor your healing process.
Gradual return to activities, however nothing too intense. With the continuous monitoring of your healing, whilst looking for any signs of complications, such as unwanted discharge, severe pain, or fever.
You can expect to resume sexual intercourse at around 6 weeks plus after your vaginal tightening operation, also, regular exercise should be okay. It is worth following your surgeons specific advice on this though. Full healing of the tissues can actually take several months, and it is always worth being aware of this post operation.
Follow specialist instructions, adhere closely to your surgeons advice about post operative care
Rest appropriately. Give yourself the time it needs to recover after your vaginal tightening surgery.
Eat well and stay hydrated. A hydrated and a healthy diet is only going to quicken your recovery.
Avoid smoking and alcohol, these are well known bad habits that hinder any recovery and cell regrowth. Goes without saying…
Pelvic floor exercises. It is always worth considering gentle pelvic floor exercises to maintain your muscle tone, but please consult your surgeon to make sure you are safe to do this.
Depending on which type of or out Manchester vaginal tightening service you opt for, can determine what to expect in terms of discomfort and pain. For Non surgical methods for example, most commonly offer less pain than the more invasive procedures, however they are, unsurprisingly effective as a procedure.
Kegel Exercises – these offer low pain and no discomfort. Kegel exercises involve contracting and relaxing pelvic floor muscles, which if done correctly should offer no pain.
Vaginal cones – again this offers almost no pain, however it can offer some slight discomfort or feelings of pressure.
Electrical Stimulation – This method offers a little higher discomfort level to the other non surgical vaginal tightening procedures available. You may feel a tingling sensation during the use of said electrical stimulation devices, but it shouldn’t be too painful.
Laser and radiofrequency treatments – again minimal to moderate pain. perhaps feelings of slight discomfort or a sensation of heat during the process, local anaesthesia or numbing cream can be used with this too, to minimise the pain.
As common sense would suggest, surgical procedures such as our vaginal tightening in Manchester, are more likely to cause pain for a patient. Post surgical pain and discomfort is most definitely expected, but you can expect this pain to decrease significantly over the proceeding days, weeks and months.
There are several ways in which you can manage you post vaginal tightening operation pain.
Finally, your specific, individual pain tolerances and general health will determine pain perception and recovery. It is worth discussing any pain concerns with your Mr. Morris before or even after your vaginal tightening. His team will offer detailed information on what to expect and how to manage your pain effectively.