Not only do we offer unrivalled vaginal tightening in London by our renowned experts, we also provide our specialist pelvic reconstruction offering included in this service, which helps reinforce the perennial body, in conjunction with world class vaginal tightening service.
Developed by head gynaecologist Dr. Nick Morris, this service is unique to us and is not offered anywhere else in the world! We are around to boast that we have helped hundreds of women rediscover their sexual being in London and the UK.
Building up a reputation in gynaecology is no mean feat, it takes years of hard work and dedication. Nick Morris has spent his life working in services dedicated to gynaecology and women's health. Nick's team at Rapid Access Gynaecology have built up this reputation, offering vaginal tightening in London, Manchester, and the UK. When Nick developed his specialist pelvic reconstruction service it was a game changer in terms of the vaginal tightening service he could offer in London, leaving many happy customers grateful to Nick and his work. Nick and his team's precision in any sort of vaginoplasty procedure allows the likelihood of achieving higher results for all patients.
By using the latest and most advanced techniques and machinery known in the industry, Rapid Access Gynaecology are at the forefront of the gynaecology curve, and with the duty and responsibility to remain there, we are constantly pushing ourselves to offer the best possible service, vaginal tightening in London being a prime example, based on our results.
Also, we appreciate the sensitivity of all situations involving not only vaginal tightening but any sort of gynaecological procedure. Personalised care is at the heart of what we do. From consultation to operation, we offer a thorough understanding of your individual needs, including aftercare.
Speaking of aftercare, post surgery maintenance and follow up is an absolute must, from our point of view. You have had your vaginal tightening procedure in London, and you have paid your money, however that doesn't mean or service and consideration for you stops. Nick and the team are in this industry for the service we can provide, and so on that basis we make sure everything is as good as it possibly can be, post procedure. 50% of patients in who underwent successful vaginal tightening in London, but didn't receive appropriate aftercare, had complications following their surgery. This is unacceptable to us here at Rapid Access, and you can be assured that we will look after you until you are ready to leave us, not the other way round.
Basically, vaginal tightening is the practice of enhancing the tome, elasticity and strength of the vaginal muscles, and it can be done by either surgical, non surgical, or general lifestyle approaches.
Your traditional Non surgical methods such as Kegel Exercises, vaginal cones, electrical stimulation or radio frequency therapy, which produces collagen and tightens tissue; are all cheaper than surgical vaginal tightening procedures, but quite obviously less effective too.
Surgical methods, are the most effective vaginal tightening methods. They involve a physical reconstruction of the vaginal tissues and are performed by the practice of a gynaecologist. You may opt for a surgical vaginal tightening in London for either cosmetic, or medical reasons.
At Rapid Access Gynaecology, we offer a revolutionary vaginal tightening London service. This is different to other vaginoplasty methods, due to our pelvic reconstruction service, a unique service that only our gynaecologists can provide. Simply put, we offer this extra service included in our vaginal tightening London offering, which further improves both cosmetically and medically, the vaginal build, but also improves bowel evacuation too.
Additionally, other lifestyle changes that can naturally help with vaginal tightening, can be to maintain a healthy weight, avoiding less heavy lifting, and performing regular pelvic floor exercises.
Lots of our patients explain to us hoe perineal weakness affects their sex life in a negative way. Many other patients feel like they are letting their partner down. With our uniquely developed pelvic floor reconstruction service, which is included in all our vaginal tightening London procedures, we can offer you a solution that not only tightens the vaginal walls, but also rebuilds the perineal body, resulting in a huge uplift and boost to ones sex life.
Perineal body repair reconstitutes the muscle group as a collective, and improves not only your partners but also your sexual enjoyment. Also, out London vaginal tightening offering can also be combined with labiaplasty, or any other type of vaginal procedure for medical, cosmetic or mental health improvements. Furthermore we also offer psychosexual therapy too, which has helped numbers of couples rediscover their sexual intimacy.
You can expect significant improvements in both function and aesthetics with our advanced pelvic floor reconstruction and vaginal tightening service in London. We offer vaginal tightening and perennial body repair. If you opt to combine this with even more methods of vaginal rejuvenation, your results can be astounding...
• “I wish I had had this surgery years before, it’s changed my life completely. Not only can I enjoy intimacy with my partner but I also no longer have a fear of constipation and incontinence.”
• “I saw Mr Morris and underwent vaginal surgery. Surprisingly, vaginal surgery is not painful, I was a day patient, and after surgery, I remained in hospital for a few hours, and went home in the evening. I needed only a small amount of painkillers, and my progress has been nothing short of miraculous".
Vaginal tightening and other related surgeries can be of great benefit for women who have had symptoms of say prolapse, or looseness, following childbirth. We highly recommend that any woman who suffers from any of these symptoms to get in touch with our team today, we'd be happy to help where we can.
Vaginal tightening is a specialist technique involved in vaginal rejuvenation. Vaginal rejuvenation involves other procedures as well as vaginal tightening, aimed at restoring other functional and aesthetic aspects of the vulvar and vaginal area.
Vaginal rejuvenation can include
The purpose of vaginal tightening is most commonly associated with improving sexual satisfaction, addressing post-partum changes or natural ageing effects on vaginal elasticity. Vaginal rejuvenation is a broad enhancement of vaginal health, function, aesthetic appearance, vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence.
If you are require a tighter vagina to help improve you and your partners sex life, confidence and intimacy, then we would advise to go with our specialist vaginal tightening and pelvic floor reconstruction service. If you desire more than just a vaginal tightening, such as aesthetic or medical improvements such as vaginal dryness, then vaginal rejuvenation could be the best option. We would recommend to get in touch with us however, to discuss with one of our specialists, as they would be able to best advise you on what specific procedure suits you best.
It is more likely that your individual circumstances will influence heavily how much recovery time you need after a vaginal tightening. This could be anything from your general health, to the extent of the surgery, to your adherence to post operation care advice. Having said this, a general timeline for recovery can be depicted as follows:
Most patients can go home the day of or the day after surgery. They can expect a little pain and discomfort, natural swelling etc. This can be managed with medication prescribed by the doctor. Bed rest is recommended for the first few days and importantly avoid strenuous activities.
Keep on avoiding those strenuous movements such as heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, etc. Follow your doctors recommendation on cleanliness to prevent infection, and attend your follow up appointments to monitor the healing process.
Gradual return to your activities, probably nothing too strenuous, however. Also, the continuous monitoring, looking for any signs of potential complications which can involve unwanted discharge, severe pain/fever.
You can probably resume sexual intercourse at around 2 months post op, and regular exercise should be fine. although it is always worth following your doctor’s specific advice. Full healing of the tissues can actually take longer, and it is always worth being aware of this post op.
Follow doctor’s instructions, follow their advice about post operative care.
Rest well. Give yourself the time you need to recover after surgery.
Hydrate and eat well. Hydrated and a healthy diet is only going to hep with your recovery.
Avoid smoking and alcohol, these are well known bad habits that hinder any recovery and cell regrowth.
Pelvic floor exercises. It can’t hurt to try some gentle pelvic floor exercises to maintain muscle tone, but please consult your doctor first, to confirm you are safe to do this.
Depending on the type of vaginal tightening you opt for, can determine what to expect in terms of pain and discomfort. For example, non surgical methods, although less effective than surgical one’s, most commonly offer less pain than the more invasive procedures.
Kegel Exercises – these offer a negligible pain level, and no discomfort. These movements involve contracting and relaxing pelvic floor muscles, which if done right, should offer no pain.
Vaginal cones – again this offers little or no pain, although it can offer some slight discomfort or feelings of slight pressure.
Electrical Stimulation – Electrical stimulation offers a marginally higher discomfort level to the other non surgical vaginal tightening procedures mentioned. One may feel a tingling sensation during the use of electrical stimulation devices, but it should not be too painful.
Laser and radiofrequency treatments –Minimal to moderate pain. Perhaps sensations of slight discomfort or an unusual feeling of heat during the procedure, local anaesthesia or numbing cream can be used with this to relinquish any pain.
Quite obviously, surgical procedures are more likely to cause pain for a patient. Post surgical pain and discomfort is expected, but it is likely this pain will decrease significantly over the following days.
There are many ways one can manage post vaginal tightening operative pain.
Your individual pain tolerances and general health can effect pain perception and recovery. It is worth discussing any pain concerns with your doctor before or after surgery. They will be able to offer detailed information on what to expect and how to manage your pain eficiently.