Sometimes this area (the perineum) between the vagina and the anus can look quite disfiguring following an episiotomy or the repair of a tear after child birth. This can affect your confidence and understandably often your libido as well. It normally occurs with perineal body weakness.
This operation will improve the cosmetic appearance of the perineum.
For further information about all the operations please contact me via my contact page here or ring my personal assistant on 02083711510.
“I have had 1 child, but I felt very exposed and vulnerable in my perineum. I saw Mr Morris, and within a month I had undergone a simple perineal refashioning. This was carried out under local anaesthetic. I simply came to the hospital, underwent surgery, had lunch, and went home. I couldn’t have sex for a few weeks but afterwards I felt much better. I no longer felt exposed and vulnerable.”