I will investigate most couples after they have been trying for a year, unless they have any risk factors which indicate there may already be a problem (for example, a history of pelvic infection or experiencing irregular menstrual periods).
Infertility is much more common than most people think, and affects approximately 15% of the population. 25% of couples take longer than they would like to achieve their desired family.
The single most important determinant of a couple’s fertility remains the age of the female partner. For women up to and including the age of 25, the cumulative conception rate is 60% at six months and 85% at one year – that is, of 100 couples trying to conceive, 40 will not be pregnant after six months and 15 will still not have conceived after a year of trying.
This is in contrast where the female partner is 35 years of age or above, the conception rate is now reduced to 60% at a year, and 85% at two years. Fertility has halved because of age alone.
I carry out detailed assessments using ultrasound scans: hormone profiles, semen analysis and operative investigative assessment.
I believe that there are a number of reasons why infertility is becoming more common.
I carry out detailed assessments using ultrasound scans: hormone profiles, semen analysis and operative investigative assessment (laparoscopy to treat endometriosis and adhesions, and hysteroscopy to assess and treat the uterine cavity.
A pelvic ultrasound scan will provide me with information about the health and appearance of the ovaries and uterus and fallopian tubes. The patency of the fallopian tubes is assessed either by ultrasound, or by x-ray and passing fluid through the cervix (neck of the womb).
A laparoscopy combined with a hysteroscopy is performed under general anaesthetic to further assess the uterus and the fallopian tubes. If any pathology is identified, they be treated e treated at the same time. A semen analysis is performed to assess the sperm count, its appearance and its function.
To determine the potential causes of the infertility, so that appropriate treatments can be started. As a Gynaecologist, I often start patients on treatment with metformin and Clomiphene to start ovulation, and this can achieve a 75% pregnancy rate.
I also offer treatment for polycystic ovarian disease with laparoscopic ovarian drilling.
I work with several noted IVF experts and can arrange appropriate and effective referrals to these experts.
Hysteroscopic surgery will treat endometrial polyps, a common cause of infertility, and laparoscopy will allow me to treat adhesions and endometriosis.
It can affect up to 15% of the population.
It is estimated that up to 7% of men are affected by infertility.
Reduce weight, if overweight, stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake.
In the UK we recommend 400 mcg of folic acid to reduce the risk of a neural tube defect.