It is with pleasure that I can now again offer the Mona Lisa Touch, a carbon dioxide laser system which I have used for several years in order to improve vaginal function and to reverse vaginal atrophy.
Vaginal atrophy occurs when the vagina is shortage of oestrogen, which occurs at the menopause. Some women do not want to take HRT, or there are contra-indications in using these treatments.
The Mona Lisa touch was developed by my colleague Professor Stefano Salvatore. Stefano is a Gynaecologist in Milan, and works at one of the most famous hospitals in Europe. He is the pioneer. Stefano has spent many years developing a laser treatment that could be specifically used to help women who have vaginal atrophy.
Vaginal atrophy results in vaginal soreness. Initially lasers were thought to be very effective in treating prolapse and stress-incontinence. This is not the case for most studies, and it was important that Professor Salvatore’s work has identified a treatment that is beneficial for women with vaginal atrophy and pain with intercourse. (Dyspareunia)
I have visited Professor Salvatore’s unit in Milan on several occasions and I am very impressed with the work he and his colleagues are doing, but more importantly I am impressed with the outcomes of treatment for the patients.
For this reason, I am happy now to use the Mona Lisa Touch at the Cromwell.
If you have not been a patient of mine before, you will have a consultation with me beforehand. This is a standard Gynaecological Consultation. Once we have been through the consultation, I will examine you in the treatment room and then carry out the treatment.
The treatment will take a few minutes, but it does take time for us to make sure the equipment is ready and working to treat you.
Prices The cost of a consultation is £250 and the treatment is approximately £300. The hospital charge for the use of the equipment £300. The complete fee for the full treatment hospital facility is £1300. The complete package is £2150.
The treatment cycle is based on a 3 treatment programme. Therefore, the entire cost of treatment will be approximately £2000. Some patients do benefit from a yearly management treatment.
*Prices accurate at the time of publication.
Please get in touch with my friendly and dedicated team if you have any queries, they’d be happy to help. We also offer other procedures, from vaginal tightening in London and Manchester, to endometriosis testing throughout the UK.